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Expert Witness Services
  • US District Court
  • US International Trade Commission (ITC)
  • 13 years of experience testifying and non-testifying expert in patent litigation cases 
    • Testimony in Federal Court and ITC
    • Extensive case preparation assistance: claim charts, claim constructions, theory of infringement, conception and priority
    • Extensive deposition experience (25)
  • Matters before the PTO
    • Inter Partes Reviews
    • Petitions
Intellectual Property Consulting
  • Patent preparation application and prosecution
    • Prior art search and analysis
    • Provisionals and attorney ready draft preparation
  • Competitive and comparative analysis
    • Relevance and valuation
  • Analysis
    • Obviousness and validity
    • Infringement
Innovation on Demand
  • If you have a new idea that requires enabling technology or a technical problem that requires a breakthrough approach, we can help:
  •  We specialize in finding solutions
    • Sometimes it's a matter of experience:
      • use what we have learned
      • transfer and reuse know-how
    • Sometimes it's a matter of inventing (finding the mathematical key)
      • We have invested thousands of hours in the mathematical characterizations of systems and algorithms
      • We have the ability to create new theoretical solutions and convert them to practical circuitry, software and intellectual property
Engineering and Design
  • Advanced engineering techniques
    • Modeling and Simulation
    • Optimization
    • Performance analysis


The following is an outline of principal areas of technical expertise and experience including a number of applications with which we have specific experience. In addition to this profile we are available to attack many “non-standard” problems that require innovative approaches for their solution. 

Major Wireless and Cellular Formats

  • CDMA

  • TDMA

  • OFDM and OFDMA

  • LTE and LTE Advanced

  • WIFI

  • MIMO

Open Systems Interconnect (OSI)

  • Specializing in

    • PHY

      • All modulation techniques

      • Synchronization techniques

      • Rapid acquisition methods

      • Physical channel multiplexing

      • Channel coding

      • Forward error correcting

      • Soft output decoding / SOVA 

      • Spatial coding / MIMO

      • Multiuser detection (MUD)

      • Power control strategies

      • Antenna beamforming and adaptive interference cancellation

      • Polarization multiplexing and tracking

      • Channel adaptation and equalization systems

      • Blind adaptation

    • MAC

      • QoS control

      • Contention and DAMA systems

      • PHY resource mapping

      • Antenna beam mapping and multiplexing

    • Data Link

      • Hierarchical QoS

      • Layer 2 switching

      • Error detection and correction (EDAC)

      • ARQ and Hybrid ARQ 

    • RRC

      • Integrated service management 

      • Internodal resource sharing and allocation

    • Routing

      • Multipath routing

    • Transport

      • QoS and flow control

  • Cross Layer Optimization

Major RF Communication Techniques

  • All forms of Digital Modulation

    • PSK

    • QPSK

    • QAM


  • CDMA

  • TDMA


  • Time Division Duplex (TDD)


Signal Coding Methods for Special Applications

  • Spread Spectrum, Anti Jam and LPI

    • Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

    • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

    • Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)

  • Signal Coding for Nonlinear Amplifier applications

  • Signal Coding for Channel Estimation and Equalization

  • Signal Coding for Diversity and MIMO Systems

Signal Processing for Communications and Radar

  • Optimal Receiver Designs for Detection and Estimation

    • Maximum likelihood systems

    • Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) based systems

    • RADAR (CFAR and Adaptive CFAR)

    • Multichannel receivers and optimized decision rules

    • Adaptive receivers

  • Receiver functions

    • Synchronization and Tracking

    • Carrier and Clock Recovery

    • Joint Phase/Polarization Tracking

    • Gain Control

  • Parameter Estimation

    • Non-parametric methods

    • Adaptive methods

    • Locally optimal techniques

  • Multipath and related Channel Equalization designs

    • Channel estimation and equalization

      • Techniques based on training

      • Techniques based on learning

      • Blind Techniques

      • Decision directed methods

      • Maximum likelihood methods

        • MLSE

Military Communications

  • Antijam

  • Jamming

  • LPI

  • Intercept receivers

Signal Processing for Filtering

  • General digital filter synthesis

    • FIR and IIR

    • Multirate processing

    • Cyclic and decimation methods

  • General Analog Filtering (Classical RLCMG)

  • Synthesis of Insertion Loss filters

  • Standard filters

    • Butterworth

    • Chebyshev

    • Elliptic

  • Phase equalization (All pass) filters

  • RF matching networks


Coding for Error Correction

  • Algebraic codes (Reed Solomon, BCH codes)

  • Convolutional codes

  • Turbo codes

  • Iterative decoding

  • LDPC codes


Statistical Signal Processing

  • Recursive estimation

  • Stochastic methods

  • Least mean square error (LMSE) estimation

  • Data analysis

    • Median and Quantile filters

    • Pattern recognition

    • Classification algorithms


Stabilization and Control

  • Classical closed loop systems

  • Wiener Hopf techniques

  • State space methods

  • Kalman methods

  • Robust control


Modeling and Simulation

  • Channel modeling

  • Complete system modeling

  • Verification and Validation

  • MATLAB coding



  • Hilbert space methods

  • Projections on convex sets (POCS)

  • Game Theoretical and Minimax optimization

  • Nonlinear and topological methods



  • Bit exact and cycle exact reference models

  • Test vector design and generation

  • FPGA systems

  • DSP and embedded real time software systems

  • Code development

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